Friday, July 31, 2009

Are these funny kds?

Q: Why did the basketball playour go to the doctor?

A: Because he wanted to get a lot of shots.

What keys are foud in the animal kingdom?

Donkeys,monkeys,and turkeys.

Why do skunks smell so bad?

Cheap cologne.

Where do space explorers leave their space craft ?

At a parking meteors.

What is black and white and furry and moves on 16 wheels ?

A skunk on roller blades.

Where is the best place to park dogs ?

In a barking lot.

Why do the coyotes call at night ?

The rates are cheaper.

What do you call a flying ape ?

A hot- air baboon.

Why does a giraffe have a long neck ?

So he won't have to smell his feet.

Why can't you telephone the zoo ?

The lion's busy.

Are these funny kds?
Ha ha ha.!!!

Cheers mate.!!!
Reply:Thanks Chris. Report It

Reply:list the last few!!!!!!
Reply:If I were a kid, I'm not sure if I would laught or not.
Reply:these are funny!
Reply:out of about 10, 4 were funny
Reply:they all suck
Reply:Well, i didn't split my sides laughing, but some of them made me smile. These are the sort of jokes/riddles one finds in Christmas crackers
Reply:omg.....very funny

excellent...awesome....made my day better...made me lol...good job...keep up the good jokes!...

develop skin cancer

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