Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sprained right I need to see a Doctor???

Four days ago, I was skating on my roller blades, when I suddenly fell and it looked like I was doing the splits. So now, Im stuck at home and I cant move around much anymore because if I do, my right leg will hurt really bad. I think I sprained something in there and it hasnt gone away yet, BUT IT WAS FOUR DAYS AGO!!! Should I go see a doctor???

Sprained right I need to see a Doctor???
I've sprained my ankle alot, and sometimes it takes a week to heal or feel that I have most of my mobility back. What I would do is this:

-don't put pressure the effected joint.

- Wrap with an ace bandage to give some type of support.

- if your ankle is still swollen, ice for 15 minutes before heating it for 15 more. You should do that at least once a day.

- I use Tiger Balm when I sprain or have any injuries, and it seems to work quite effectively. (it's in the same section as where the IcyHot and Bengay are)

- Make sure you drink lots of water and take a multivitamin to boost your bodies ability to heal itself.

- If your ankle is still really swollen, make sure to elevate it above your heart. Place a pillow or two under it while you are laying down. This should reduce the swelling.

If all this does not work, and after a week you don't feel much better, I would go to the doctor. You might have a fracture of some sort, or a small break in your foot. (You foot has a lot of bones, and it is possible that you might have injured one)

Good luck! and I hope you feel better.
Reply:Try wrapping some ice around your leg and leave it on for about 15 - 20 minutes. I wouldn't do heat because it will make your muscle expand and the pain could get worse. Do simple stretching exercises to keep the muscle moving. You might have overextended the muscle. If the pain continues for an entire week I would go to the doctor. Probably some simple Physical Therapy could help you.
Reply:you should go see a doctor you probably did more than sprain something. is their any swelling?


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